When is best to join?
Ideally, beginning of term 1 or term 2 as this gives the young people time to learn everything for the showcase. Then Term 3 as this is when we audition for the main production in July. If anyone wants to join after that, they will be added to a waiting list for September.
What to wear?
Please wear your LRYT t-shirt and other comfortable clothes that are easy to move around in. Leggings or trousers are ideal.
What to bring with me?
Please bring a drink – nothing fizzy. Snacks or a packed lunch – nothing with peanuts, please.
What’s the format of the morning?
We meet in age divided groups and rotate in those groups through the three disciplines throughout the morning. There is a designated snack/food break. The children and young people are free to use the facilities whenever they need, we just ask that they let the adult in the room know where they are going.
When do the children move up a group?
Generally, the children will move up after the end of the half term in which they have the birthday that qualifies them for the next group. i.e. if you turn 11 in November, you will move up to the next age group ready to start the next half term with them in January. This, however, is subject to individual needs and requirements. Some children may wish to wait for friends so they can move together. The move may also be at a different time in order to accommodate the learning of parts for the production in July.